Starving Artist No More Blog

Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
003: Being a "YES AND" Creative
003: Being a "YES AND" Creative audience entrepreneurship mindset yes and Nov 15, 2022

How do you think of yourself? When it comes to your work, what words do you use to identify yourself? I am an audiobook narrator. I am an actor. I am a cellist. I am a soprano. An umbrella way to...

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Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
002: Expand What’s Possible
002: Expand What’s Possible abundance mental model scarcity social psychology Nov 08, 2022

Your beliefs about what is possible for you and your business will be the limiting factor in how your business grows. If you don’t believe it’s possible to have all your needs met by...

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Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
001: Welcome to the Starving Artist No More Podcast & Blog
001: Welcome to the Starving Artist No More Podcast & Blog introduction podcast Nov 01, 2022

Being a creative entrepreneur is hard. The messages we hear from the world around us tells us that creative industries are environments of scarcity, where hundreds of people are all competing for...

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Starving Artist No More | Jennifer Jill Araya
Podcast Coming Soon!
Podcast Coming Soon! podcast trailer Oct 28, 2022

Hello, and welcome to the Starving Artist No More Podcast and Blog. Beginning November 1, 2022, I will be releasing a new podcast episode every Tuesday, and the transcript of the episode will be...

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